Studio design unit 4 was created in 2016.

Concept of a studio is built bearing in mind specifics of creative business and using tools for supporting and testing design solutions that are currently on the forefront of the industry. We know how to optimize the design process and allocate right amount of time, resources, and efforts for each stage to reach best quality of a concept, its solutions, and its implementation in materials.

For each project, we supervise providers to control realization of conceptual solutions at manufacturing and building site.

We know the power of design and share it profusely.

  • Daniyar Yusupov
  • Vladimir Petrosyan
  • Nadezhda Kuznetsova
  • Elizaveta Vladimirova
  • Marina Tsay
  • Sergey Baryshev
  • Nikolay Medvedenko
  • Roman Timashev
  • Gregory Baluev
  • Veronica Serebryakova